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The middle of the spectacle was overnight when I saw the Muerte of one of her greatest actresses, Silvia Pinal. The Mexican diva, 93 years old, was hospitalized for various health problems. After your lungs collapsed, your health deteriorated after he caused the disease, and then informed you about him Luis Enrique Guzman. A year before the family was reunited with family in the Mexican capital after being interned, she reported using various means of communication. I received the notification through a message from Televisa-Univision.

“Televisa-Univision laments the reasonable case of the great Mexican diva Silvia Pinal,” he said in a statement.

Claudia Curiel de Icaza, the Mexican government’s cultural secretariat, also confirmed the decision. “Lamento deeply affects the fall of the first actress Silvia Pinal. Trabajó with great directors like Luis Buñuel, and as pioneers in the theater, they traveled through the next generations. He was born an artist and made his contribution to our indispensable culture. Descanse en paz“ , mencionó en su cuenta de X.

Silvia Verónica Pinal Hidalgo born September 12, 1931 in Guaymas, Sonora. For small reasons, artists love writing and reciting poetry. Pese a querer is dedicated to the activity of his Padre de Crianza, Luis Pinal Blancothe desire to study another profession. Well, the famous woman graduated as a mechanic and has been working in a Mexican company for 14 years.

A fin de dicarse a la opera, la hija de Maria Luisa Hidalgo Aguilar comenzó a student bel canto; Since no results were achieved in music, the actuation courses began; In advance I received the title of beautiful Princesa Estudiantil de México. He made his professional debut in 1947 at the helm of the theater Sueño de una night de verano.

Silvia Pinal.

Gianni Ferrari/Cover/Getty Images

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But then the artist came to work in radio comedies, today Dos Pesos la dejada Su Primer Trabajo. I joined a group of experimental theaters and banded together Rafael Banquellswith her against the wedding in 1947.

I have been popular in the cinema for years and have interpreted the personality of Juanita in the film El pecado de Laura; I have now had a successful film career with the films Bamba, Escuela para casadas, La mujer que yo perdíamong other things. In 1950, protagonist, Junto a Mario Moreno Cantinflasthe comedy El portero. Their conspiracy in the seventh was the conspiracy of the Spanish maneuver Luis Buñuel, with her, estelariza la cinta Viridianain 1961. A year later he recited the director in the Largometraje The angel exterminator. Last year in 1965 with the film Simon del desierto. In 2013 he made his last appearance as an actress in the film Tercera lamada. More than a year ago I was part of the documentary Tras Nazarin. The ecology of one level and another level. For members of the Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de Estados Unidos (AMPAS).

Silvia Pinal in the film “Viridiana”.

LMPC via Getty Image

Pinal was sent to television in 1952, at the same time he worked on the selection of the competition program Con los brazos abiertos. Le siguieron La telecomedia de Manolo Fabregas, Teatro Bon Soir j Fiesta Musical Ford. In 1966 he participated in the national program A comedy special by Bob Hope. This was also a debut as a presenter, además, actuary and emission What’s special about Silvia Pinal.

Silvia Pinal in the Obra “Adorables enemigas”.


In 1986, celebrity was transformed into the title and production of the series Woman, real life caseswhich has only been on the air since 2007; Además, estuvo a load of melodramas Cuando los hijos se van j Time for amar. Trabajar in various television programs, Carla Estrada I’m continuing with a series of my life starting in 2019 titled Silvia Pinal, frente a tiDonde la propia actress funge como narradora. This is a year in which she watches television with the person of Doña Imelda Sierra Vda. de Córcega in the comedy program Juntos el heart nunca se ambivoca.

Silvia Pinal.

Ralph Dominguez/MediaPunch via Getty Images

Cabe destacar, que en tetro también se convirtió en a referente al formar part of montajes clásicos como Lo caprichos de Goya, Anna Karenina j Senorita de Tacnaamong other things. Además, realizó whether musicales like Mommy, Come on, Dolly! j Gypsiespor mencionar solo algunas. Finally I worked on the tables Caperucita ¡Qué onda con tu abuelita!which was realized in 2022. Fungió as a product from the mountains A chorus line, Cats j La jaula de las locas. It is located at a theater that is being built with his name on it.

In 1991, he began a political move composed of the files of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) and was converted to senator the following year. Formó parte de la Assembly de Representatives del Distrito Federal, ahora Ciudad de México.

Sylvia Pasquel, Silvia Pinal, Frida Sofía and Alejandra Guzmán.


Silvia is a lovely personality who accepts weddings on four occasions. When he married the house of Rafael Banquells, who divorced in 1952; ambos procrearon a Sylvia Pasquel. From 1961 to 1967 he came to Mexico Gustavo Alatristede cuya relacion nació Viridiana Alatriste; La Cual, Murio an accident 19 years ago. Su tercer cónyuge fue Enrique Guzman; Born and educated between 1967 and 1976 Alejandra j Luis Enrique Guzman. The spectacular Mexican diva was brought to the altar with politics in 1982 Tulio Hernández Gomez; The union was concluded in 1995.

Silvia Pinal has acted in more than 80 films, more than 35 television shows and 40 plays. Le sobreviven sus three hijos y varied nietas. Descanse en paz.

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